In honor of Genesis' entry into the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame, I'm posting a recent review I wrote for my favorite Progressive Rock website, ProgArchives. Although this is a harsh review of my least favorite Genesis record, overall I'm stating how much I've enjoyed Genesis' music over the past 4 decades. Congratulations GENESIS! Hopefully this recognition will lead to other great Prog Rock bands gaining long overdue entrance into those Hallowed Halls. Next on the list should be Yes, followed (in no particular order) by King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Gentle Giant, Camel, Emerson Lake & Palmer, Nektar, Jethro Tull, The Moody Blues, PFM, & Rush.
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For this Genesis fan, Duke is the low point in the band's deep catalog of stellar recordings. It disappoints mainly because of the sub-standard quality of the song writing, and because (owing to its 2 very popular hit singles: Turn It On Again and Misunderstanding) it received so much attention. It generated the band's highest album sales to date resulting in their first chart topping record. It's just irritating that something this mediocre (relative to other Genesis records) could also become hugely popular. I'm positive the purchasers of Duke had no prior knowledge of Genesis' music. But those aren't the only reasons I'm giving it a low rating.
The album as a whole feels incomplete: it doesn't flow like other Genesis records. The main problem as I see it: Many Too Many filler songs. And since Duke is the band's longest record, that's a lot of filler. It's almost as if the group gave up on it, or they weren't given the time to finish it properly. That may have something to do with the fact that Phil Collins was absent from the collective writing process while trying to patch up his marriage in Vancouver. And I'm sure their record company, Atlantic, was screaming for a follow-up to And Then There Were Three, which contained the band's first hit single, "Follow You, Follow Me." So I give the band points for continuing the momentum; but take some back for turning in such a jumbled, overwrought, and overlong turkey.
As it stands, Duke offers 29 minutes of group written material, plus an additional 27 minutes of solo (by that I mean solo written, not solo performed) tracks. This would be fine if the solo songs stood up to the group stuff, but for this fan, the solo songs are bland and tuneless. They lack polish, conviction, humor, and any real connection to a concept, theme or unified musical identity. And the lyrics are appallingly bad. So many of the reviews I've read state that Heathaze is one of the best songs on Duke. Really? Tony Banks has written much better lyrics than: "Silent as a day can be, Far-off sounds of others on they're chosen run, As they do all those things that they feel give life some meaning, Even if they're dull." Only Bernie Taupin could write less evocative lyrics. He follows that stanza with: "Time to stop this dreaming, Must rejoin the real world, As revealed by orange lights and a smoky atmosphere." Yes, Tony, you must rejoin the real world.
All of the solo songs suffer from this same lackadaisical word play: the exception being Phil's songs because he was writing about the very real breakup of his marriage. However, it doesn't save his songs from sounding like much of the music heard daily on AM radio. As Tony Banks has pointed out, "Phil has a James Taylor side to him." On Duke, he almost goes Joni Mitchell.
But what really sinks this record for me was the decision, (by the band?, the record company?) to integrate the solo songs into the group written material. Breaking up the Duke Suite in order to balance sides A and B was a calculated concession to hide sub-par tracks. It may have (momentarily) kept fans from feeling gypped for purchasing a single sided record, but it just killed the momentum.
I must finish by stating that I am, above all, a true Genesis fan. I don't divide the band's career into pre and post Peter-Gabriel's-departure eras. I do wish both Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett had remained in the band, but Phil Collins is a great singer, he is; and he really came into his own as a songwriter when the band needed it the most. He gets huge points from me for that. And lastly, I love music; and Genesis has, above all, consistently made very good music--no matter what the line-up.
So here's how I solved my "Duke" problem. I reunited the Duke Suite, which is: Behind the Lines, Duchess, Guide Vocal, Turn It On Again, Duke's Travels and Duke's End. Then I combined, on an 80 minute CD, And Then There Were Three, (sequenced in reverse order minus Down And Out), with the Duke Suite immediately following Undertow. That means I get about 46 minutes of ATTWT followed by 29 minutes of Duke. For this Genesis fan, That's All that is required
For this Sideways fan, all that is required is to hear your lyrical turn of a phrase. So happy to have a new blog entry from my favorite writer! ;- )
Steve - you are so knowledable about music! You should write for Rolling Stone!
What have you been up to all these years? And what about Gary? Gary's sister gave me your wifes facebook page, but all she said about Gary, was that he did not do facebook. ( not much info there ). Looks like you have a wife and child, how is everyone doing?
I went to school on and off but never finished. I have about 90 hours of nothing. I was in the Navy for six years, stationed for three out by San Francisco. I stopped in one time and saw Tim & Mary. You and Gary were both gone at the time. After I left the Navy, I became a police Officer in Corpus Christi. ( my brother had already been a Police Officer there for about five years ). I have been there for almost twenty one years now, and my brother is retired. I have been married for fourteen years and have a son eleven. ( you can hear him play his guitar on my facebook page. He was born with a very bad heart and has had three major heart surgeries, several minor ones and is on his fourth pacemaker. ( starting at 10 days old ). He is doing well at this time and I home school him using Calvert Home school. I still ride motorcycles to get the cobwebs out. ( how about you, you still ride? )
Thats about it and most likely more that you wanted to know.
Talk to you later
Hi Steve and Lisa!
I really really hate that Genesis album. In fact, the entire Genesis crowd just makes me wanna hurl.
I do have a very special love for Seconds Out, though. Especially, Suppers Ready. Reminds me of when Annie and I went to France. Isabelle had the LP and we played it in her living room in Brest. To this day, whenever I hear Suppers Ready, which is only when I drag out the LP and play it...I think about Isabelles house and garden and that summer in France.
...A flower!!!!!......
PS also was listening to Camel Moon Madness yesterday, in fact I listen to it a lot...
Lisa - My biggest fan. Love You, Sweetie!
Ann - So glad you stopped by. I would love to write for Rolling Stone. If you meet Jann Wenner on one of your many flights, please give him my number.
Alan - Long time no see; Great to hear from ya.
S - Don't hold back, tell me how you really feel! I remember you very much liking Genesis for awhile there. I think it was Gentle Giant that you couldn't stand. Camel is fine, and Moon Madness forever a favorite.
OK OK I loved Genesis, and I am happy to not hold back, but think about all the fabulous music that has come since then...Genesis can hardly hold a candle
There is no doubt, they got the prog rock thing down.
Write more music reviews and I think, Miss Pizza should add her comment to each review because I would be interested in her counter or matching opinion.
As for right now..I am listening to a lot of POP music because Hannah is 13! ....purple teardrops I cry it dont have a price, loving you is cherry pie....aaaaaackkkk! LOL
Are you down down down down down, Jay Sean?
Thats my world.
More reviews!!!
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